Website Launching of “Tech for Peace” Project

On 13th July 2017, an inauguration ceremony held at Democracy International for launching “Tech for Peace” website.

At the beginning, “Tech for Peace” team gathered at DI conference room and Ms. Katie Croake, COP, Democracy International also joined there with other staffs and welcomed all at launching ceremony. The Project Coordinator of Tech for Peace Ms. Kumrun Nahar introduced other team members there. There was a short presentation about project progress summary presented by the Project Officer(Knowledge Management).

Later, Mr. Arif Nezami, CEO of Preneur Lab, invited Ms. Katie Croake to inaugurate the website. After her pressing the “LAUNCH” button “” website of “Tech for Peace” inaugurated. Then a short promo video played and Ms. Katie Croake cut the cake with all other members of the project to celebrate the precious moment.



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